The storyline of TITAN A.E. follows standard mythical canon: unlikely youthful hero from the boondocks is forced to follow his destiny and struggle against overwhelming odds to save his people. No surprises there, to be sure, but God is in the details, and the details is where this film excels. I can't say enough good about the animation and visual artistry--it's the best ever. Hopefully this will raise the bar for animated feature films. After forty-odd years, I have had enough of the formulaic Disney approach.I would also give TITAN A.E. high marks for acting and for the musical selections in the soundtrack. This film should make a great addition to any enthusiast's DVD library.I agree that the plot is rather holey, but I was so busy enjoying the film that I didn't notice at the time.
'Sentiment: Positive đ'
This film (To be blunt) is one of the greatest animated sci-fi films ever made. The story is a blast, as are the characters and the visuals are stunning. Unfortunately the movie was highly underrated by critics (But what do they know). Any science fiction fan with half a brain can see this is an intriguing story, and one that the cast is totally committed to. Indeed the actors put on such a excellent performance that you can believe in their plight and really feel for them. Overall this movie is easily able to hold it's own against masterpieces such as Starchaser: The legend of Orin, Fire & ice and other films in the animated sci-fi/fantasy genre.
'Sentiment: Negative âšī¸'
I gave this movie two opportunities. The animation is so brilliantly colorful and imaginative, I hated to give up on it. Scene after scene was a pleasure to watch. It's like a well-drawn sci-fi comic book come to life. It's extremely colorful.But - and it's a big 'but' - the story is so blah and unlikeable to me that both times I viewed this, I went away feeling unsatisfied. The characters are such that I never could get involved about caring what happened. Most of them simply weren't appealing. There are a few good twists at the end but it's too little-too late to make me watch this again.